
Below are some key texts and resources related to our project. Please get in touch if you have suggestions to add to our list!


Hans Belting, Face and Mask: A Double History (Princeton: Princeton UP 2017)

Guillemette Bolens, The style of gestures: embodiment and cognition in literary narrative (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP 2012)

Jonathan Cole, About Face (Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press 1998)

Mary Ann Doane, Bigger Than Life: The Close-Up and Scale in the Cinema (Duke UP, 2022)

Jessica Helfand, Face: A Visual Odyssey (Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press 2019)

Colin Jones, The Smile Revolution in Eighteenth-Century Paris (Oxford: Oxford UP 2017)

Mary Ann O’Farrell, Telling Complexions: The Nineteenth Century Novel and the Blush (Durham: Duke UP 1997)

Namwali Serpell, Stranger Faces (Transit Books 2020)

Patricia Skinner and Emily Cock, Approaching facial difference: past and present (London : Bloomsbury Academic 2018)

Articles & Chapters

Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari, ‘Year Zero: Faciality’ in A Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia (Minnesota: Minnesota UP 1987)  

John Frow, ‘Face’ in Character & Person (Oxford: Oxford UP 2014)

Margaret Werth, ‘Modernity and the Face’ in Intermédialités / Intermediality (2006)

Projects & Online Resources

FACETS (Face Aesthetics in Contemporary E-Technological Societies), Università Delgi Studi Di Torino

When Your Face is Your ID: Public Responses to Automated Facial Recognition, Monash University

SelfieCity, ‘Investigating the style of self-portraits (selfies) in five cities across the world.’